The Children's Village
The Children’s Village has provided safety, stability, and love to vulnerable children for nearly 60 years through its residential group homes where children can heal and grow.
About The Children's Village
The children who come to us have experienced a range of difficulties: poverty, trauma, neglect, and/or homelessness.
As in a family, no two children are alike. We accept them from where they are. Each child receives a high level of care to meet their individual needs. Christina City embraces a host of professional services, including therapy, mentoring, and tutoring.
Our cottages are supervised by highly trained, compassionate, married house parents who provide round-the-clock care and support.

For each child, we are intentional about exposing them to healthy supporting relationships, so they learn how to develop close, trusting relationships. We provide an appropriate learning environment for each child. The kids become involved in extracurricular activities at school and in the community, participate in children’s church/youth group, attend summer camps, and have part-time employment when they are old enough.
Who are our residents?
Children or youth experiencing mild to moderate behavioral and/or emotional challenges.
Children from families experiencing crisis due to homelessness, eviction, or job loss.
Children whose families are experiencing challenging dynamics of a blended family.
Children from families experiencing child care challenges due to aging or illness.
Where do they come from?
Through community partnerships with churches and schools.
Through therapist referrals or concerned family members.
Through the Department of Family and Children Services.
Life At The Village
The Village is more than a residential community
The kids who come to live at Christian City arrive from broken families where discord, abuse, neglect and trauma rule their daily lives. They need relief and protection. So, yes, we provide safety, a warm bed, good food and houseparents to care for and love them.

What makes Christian City unique is its concern for the whole child. We believe each child is unique, made by God for a special purpose. Deeply felt love for each child, along with a host of services and evidence-based programs, like therapy, tutoring, athletic opportunities, is the balm that heals. We don’t just send the kids to the nearest school; we look for and provide educational opportunities. Some of our kids are behind, so we help them catch up. We enroll the kids in extracurricular activities that mirror their interests and talents. We send them to camp and take trips to the museum. We help them to see a world with beauty and opportunity – a world they want to embrace.