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Crossroads Foster Care & Adoption


Thousands of children are in state care in Georgia. Foster parents are needed to nurture and love these kids through this difficult time in their lives – and we need parents to adopt the children who are legally ready to leave the system and begin life with their forever family.

About Crossroads Foster Care & Adoption

Love and a stable home can change the trajectory of the lives of the children in state care.

If you have a willingness to open your heart and home, and have a desire stand by children in what can be the most difficult time in their lives, Crossroads Foster Care and Adoption Program is here to help you change lives through adoption.

At Crossroads, we focus on children who, through no fault of their own, are the most difficult to find homes for: teens, sibling groups of three or more, and children with behavioral or medical special needs. We offer specialized training and support for couples who take on this special kind of parenting.

The Barnett Family Story: Love Heals

When Jennifer and Peter Barnett adopted a sibling group the youngest of their biological children was 15. It was the perfect time to add to their family as they’d always hoped to do.

“We thought a sibling set of three or four would be good, and we had space for them now that three of our four kids were out of the house,” Peter recalls.

Jennifer and Peter were motivated to adopt because they knew there were kids who needed the love of a family. They also knew that sibling groups are among the hardest to find homes for, that the kids are often separated.

“So many kids in the foster care system are split apart from their siblings. Many foster parents don’t have the space and time for more than one or two children,” Peter explained. “We wanted our adopted children to have their siblings with them, to not be split apart.”

And so, they adopted six children.

“We adopted a sibling group of three boys and three girls. They are 14, 13, 11, 8, 7 and 6 and have suffered a lot of trauma and abuse and will be in counseling for many years,” Jennifer said. “Love heals. In the few years we have had our kids, they have come such a long way. Having love and attention and being together again has made all the difference.”

The Need is Great

Thousands of children are in state custody in Georgia. Many are in loving foster homes. Many are not. Many sibling groups are split up. Several hundred children are ready to be adopted right now.

Becoming a foster or adoptive family is not easy. But it might not be as difficult as you think. If you are interested in exploring fostering or adoption, click the button below and review the Self-Assessment.

Your Next Steps

Interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent?

For more information, please email Crossroads at Christian City at