Christian City is a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
The ECFA maintains watchful oversight of the highest ethical standards. Christian City is audited each year by ECFA which maintains an up-to-date record of our activities and standards of performance. We invite anyone interested to contact ECFA directly for information about Christian City. Their website is www.ecfa.org.
In addition to ECFA’s annual audit, each of Christian City’s corporate entities is audited annually. This is done by an independent auditing firm which is changed from time to time to promote objectivity. A consolidated audit report is produced each year in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Procedures (GAAP).
Because Christian City operates under the aegis of a variety of regulatory authorities, individual regulatory audits and surveys are conducted each year. This includes separate reviews by the Georgia Office of Regulatory Services, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Human Resources.
Christian City recognizes everyone has a responsibility to help protect the organization’s reputation and to prevent unethical or unlawful actions from happening. We realize that it is difficult to raise a sensitive issue, especially if it involves a supervisor or manager, a co-worker or a situation in your work area. We encourage employees to speak up when they have ethics and compliance questions or concern. Anyone with a concern such as unsafe working conditions, workplace misconduct, or abuse are encouraged to access the Ethics Point Incident Management System – a comprehensive and confidential internet and telephone-based reporting tool that helps Christian City employees and stakeholders work together to address fraud, abuse, misconduct or other violations in the workplace, all while cultivating a positive work environment.
All Christian City corporate entities are governed by a common 24 member volunteer Board of Trustees. While there are nine corporate entities and a variety of functions, the administrative organization is integrated and is administered by a President and Chief Executive Officer.
We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.